In Local Events by Barbara HoffmanLeave a Comment

By  Frank Hinds, Executive Director

People often ask me “why do drivers run red lights?"  There is no simple answer, however, distractions play a major role in red light running crashes.

April is National Distracted Driving Awareness Month, and like it’s sister, Red Light Running Awareness Month, which occurred in March, it requires ongoing attention every day of every month, not just in April.  Distracted driving is a disease that has affected far too many drivers, the good news is that it is curable!  Focus 100% of your attention on the task at hand while driving, getting from point A to point B safely.  No cell phones, no texting, no eating, no reading, just driving.

Sadly, teenage girls are more apt to use a cell phone while driving according to the AAA Foundation.  Newly licensed girls are twice as likely as boys to use electronic devices while driving.

All drivers, but especially teens need to be aware of the dangers of distracted driving.  Unfortunately, most teens are not mature enough to know they don’t know enough about how to stay safe while driving and many older drivers have established bad driving habits that are difficult to break.

Awareness Months are great, Awareness Years are better !

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